Our Mission
प्रमाणञ्च प्रमेयञ्च प्रमातारश्च सात्त्विकाः ।
जयन्तु क्षपितानिष्टं सह सर्वत्र सर्वदा ।।
To preserve our rich Visishtaadvaita SriVaishnava tradition, we need to preserve the Pramaanams (Vedas and our Sampradaaya Granthas) and make them available to the Pramaataas (our SriVaishnava students and scholars) and encourage them in their search for the Prameyam (the absolute truth – the supreme Emberumaan, his divine consorts and servants ).
At Paramanadi Trust, we strive to Preserve our Pramaanams and encourage the Pramaataas in their search for the Prameyam.